Google’s Ranking System

Google is the number one search engine. Are you aware of the technology aspect behind its ranking system? Fully understanding all of their principles is important to understand the ranking system.

The nucleus of their technology involving their methodology is devised for the field of Information Retrieval. 검색엔진최적화 This system is a foundation of mathematics, library science, information science, cognitive psychology, information architecture, linguistics, statistics, and physics.

How this retrieval system works is by the searcher requesting the information. The data requested is provided through a software agent that actually pushes that requested information.

The retrieval system may use a full test logical view but in most cases reduces it with a set of keywords. This is done with a process of exclusion of stop words, and the use of stemming, and by identifying noun groups.

Note that when this retrieval database is set up, it works in this manner:

The documents are ranked by relevance

Then by useful information

Then by a subset seen as of interest

This system is basically for ease of retrieving information and not being overloaded by it. This gives Google their groundwork for the formula which they have built on top of, link structure and numerous other innovations.

There are three components of the search process:

1. The first being the crawling and indexing of the pages but there are other important aspects.

As a website owner I can tell you that the key to proper placement is directly related to your meta keywords and phrases that are inserted correctly.

Another component is to understand a user’s searching pattern, and when they want information on specific topics. Google’s technology uses what’s called ‘service dependent coding’. This is basically establishing a pattern of words and phrases that would be used by a searcher to help determine the pages that would be of interest.

Thus a person looking for information on your subject would start with the phrase or phrases that you see fit for that searcher. This isizens keyword search.

2. The second component of the search is the adverts that are presented and the paying AdSense account that you set up.

You’ll be able to gain knowledge on your surface pages that how many people are visiting your site and the nature of this traffic. You’ll be able to see what keywords are bringing in the clicks and you’ll be able to tailor your ads to increase the potential of more people clicking on your site.

Google account management is having people to see how many people are coming to your site, and having your ads set up to aim at this traffic.

3. The final component of Google search is Conversion. This is basically goal conversion. Conversion happens when a goal is reached resulting in a conversion.

A goal could be a visitor signing up for your newsletter, filling out a survey or downloading a white paper. I would be describing this goal as a call to action.

A call to action frequently comes in the form of a button on busy sites, or a pull to continue.